Meet spencer®

I’m the hub of a seriously connected health network.
It’s the result of thinking outside the (pill) box.

As the world’s first and only in-home patient support platform, the spencer SmartHub is the future of patient engagement.

spencer connects patients and their care teams through an easy-to-use, fully integrated platform. The result? Better patient support, increased patient engagement, and higher medication adherence.

In other words, the things that matter for clinical trials, commercial pharmaceutical programs, and care management facilities.

How does the spencer® SmartHub create a transformative patient experience?

In-Home for Better Engagement

The spencer SmartHub sits in the patient’s home and serves as the central point of a fully connected health network.

It’s a simple yet powerful way for clinicians, researchers, and care teams to engage with patients. Not only is it easy to use, it provides help that patients come to rely on – everything from a medication calendar to reminders to audio insights from the pharmacist. If the patient needs to get in touch with the clinical care team, doctor, or pharmacist, spencer is always there, ready to connect via telehealth.


spencer’s telehealth feature connects patients to their clinical care team. The exceptional video and audio quality ensure an efficient call between parties. Using telehealth makes it easy to address patient questions or concerns and reduces the number of required on-site clinic visits.

Medication Dispensing for Better Adherence

spencer dispenses the right pills in the right dosage at the right time.

Medications come prepackaged from partner pharmacies or clinical packagers. To help patients avoid confusion, it shows pictures of the pills to be taken. If the patient plans to be away, medications can be dispensed in advance. And through the spencerAssist® mobile app, family members can join the patient’s circle of care.

Our fully connected patient support platform addresses one of the big concerns for pharmaceutical companies and care management organizations – medication adherence. With spencer in the home, patients have a friendly device to help them remain adherent.

Biometrics for Better Data

The power of spencer is in the data it provides to clinicians, pharmacists, and care teams.

spencer provides a record of taken and missed doses. It prompts patients to answer questions determined by the care team through the device’s touch screen. spencer also gathers a range of biometric data through Bluetooth-enabled health monitoring devices – everything from blood pressure to blood sugar – to transmit to the clinical trial team, care team, or pharmacist.

These forms of both active and passive data provide insights that go well beyond traditional patient feedback methods.

See how the spencer SmartHub has positively changed people’s lives.